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Putney Park Golf Club

We are a friendly golf club founded in 1925, we have played continuously in the beautiful surroundings of Richmond Park in South West London for more than ninety-five years.

Membership of the club is open for golfers at all levels. Banter, camaraderie and a slightly competitive streak in most members (good or not-so-good golfers alike) is what characterises the club. We play regular competitions within the club, with many long-standing and coveted 18-hole, 36-hole and season-long trophies to play for (see Fixture list), and we participate in various county and national competitions against other clubs.

Putney Park Golf Club is a private members' golf club that does not have its own course - there are many golf clubs that operate in a similar manner throughout the UK.  Since it was founded, Putney Park Golf Club has played at Richmond Park Golf Course regularly each week under agreements with The Royal Parks and their current operator, Glendale Golf.

Glendale Golf allot the club tee times each Sunday morning (from 7:30am in summer and from 8:00am in winter).  Many members find this an attractive feature of the club allowing them to regularly play competitive golf early on Sundays and still have the rest of the day for family or other activities.

Richmond Park Golf Course has two 18-hole courses: the Prince's Course and the Duke's Course (see The course & gallery and Course handicaps).  The Prince's Course was opened in 1923, by the then Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII); and, the Duke's Course was opened in 1925 by the the Duke of York (later King George VI). 

All 36 holes in Richmond Park were laid out by the prolific golf course architect F.G. Hawtree with involvement from the five-time Open Champion John H. Taylor.  John H. Taylor's brother Josh Taylor was the first professional at Richmond Park Golf Course and he has a legacy with Putney Park Golf Club via the annual President's Prize (see Hall of Fame).

As part or a redevelopment project in 2013, Martin Hawtree, grandson of the original designer and accomplished golf course designer within the eponymous firm, redesigned the course to enable a modern clubhouse, a driving range and other practice facilities to be developed on the eastern side of the course.

As Richmond Park Golf Course is a public facility, members of Putney Park Golf Club either pay a green fee for each round (pay & play) or have a membership with Glendale Golf under their 'loyaltee' scheme. The yearly membership fee for Putney Park Golf Club consists of the annual subscriptions and is kept as low as possible.

Putney Park Golf Club is affiliated to England Golf and Surrey Golf, and all club members are able to receive an official handicap index (under the World Handicap System), insurance cover, county cards, play inter-club competitions and other benefits of golf club membership.

Putney Park Golf Club is also affiliated to NAPGC (National Association of Public & Proprietary Golf Courses, which was founded by F.G. Hawtree and John H. Taylor in 1927).

Like to join us?

Contact details

Club representatives:

Address of the golf course:

Richmond Park Golf Course
Chohole Gate
Norstead Place
SW15 3SA

Club house: 0208 876 3205.

Useful links

Putney Park Golf Club members' handicaps (members only)


Overview of the club competition results (members only)

Richmond Park weather forecast


Glendale Golf Richmond Park Golf Course

England Golf

Surrey Golf

Golf Rules Quiz

England Golf SafeGolf Safeguarding Policies

Putney Park Golf Club, London SW15

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